"G20 자랑하는 한국, 입양문제만 후진국?"

[해외입양인, 말걸기]'입양특례법' 개정안 통과를 촉구합니다

6월 임시국회에서 논의될 법안 중 하나가 '입양특례법' 개정안이다. 민주당 최영희 의원 등의 발의한 이 법안은 기존 법의 명칭인 '입양 촉진 및 절차에 관한 특례법'을 '입양 및 절차에 관한 특례법'으로 바꾸고, 국내·외 입양 허가가 가정 법원과 보건복지부로 나뉘어 있던 걸 모두 가정 법원 허가제로 바꾸도록 하고 있다. 또 아동학대, 가정폭력, 성범죄, 마약 중독 등의 문제가 있는 사람들이 입양할 수 없도록 하는 '가정조사제도'의 도입, 중앙입양원 설립 등 입양사업에 대한 관리 감독 강화 등 내용도 담고 있다.

'진실과 화해를 위한 해외입양인 모임(TRACK)' 등 법 개정을 주도한 이들은 이번 법안이 6월 임시국회에서 반드시 통과되기를 바라고 있다. 이 법안 취지에 동의하는 해외 입양인 학자, 예술인 등이 연대 서명을 보내왔다. 편집자

이 글은 진실과 화해를 위한 해외입양인 모임(TRACK), 국외입양인연대(ASK), 공감(공익변호사그룹), 뿌리의 집(KoRoot), 한국미혼모가족협회(KUMFA/미스맘마미아) 그리고 민들레어머니회가 연합한 입양법개정연합(ARC : Adoption Reform Coalition)을 대표하여 최영희 의원이 대한민국 국회에 발의한 입양 촉진 및 절차에 관한 특례법 개정안의 인도정신(引導精神)과 그 의미를 지지하는 해외입양인 학자들의 성명서 입니다.

위에서 언급된 단체 연합 그리고 최영희 의원을 비롯한 12명의 국회의원들의 지지와 함께 지난 2010년 5월 11일 마련한 이 법 개정안은 대한민국 아동 권리와 가족보호의 지위를 개선하기 위한 폭넓은 노력의 한 부분입니다.

대한민국은 UN아동권리협약의 주체로서 뿐만 아니라 관련법 개정을 통해 아동권리와 가족보호를 보장하기 위한 책무를 내포한 헤이그국제아동입양협약 비준동의안 제출촉구결의안(지난 2011년 3월 국회에서 만장일치로 통과)의 후속조치를 이행함으로써 국제사회의 아동과 가족분야에서 리더십을 발휘할 수 있는 기회를 가지고 있습니다.

우리는 아동이 태어날 때부터 우리와 같은 시민임을 굳게 믿습니다.

우리는 국적을 취득하고 친부모를 인지하고 친부모에 의해 보호되도록 하는 아동의 권리가 중심이 되는 가족 등록 시스템의 국제 협약의 준수를 지지합니다. (UN 아동권리협약 7조 참조)

우리는 일반적으로 생물학상(친가족과) 유사하고 문화적으로 관련성이 있는 환경에서 아동의 이익이 최우선시 되며 양육되어야 함을 확신 합니다. (헤이그국제아동입양협약 참조)

우리는 국내 아동의 보호를 보장하기 위해 미혼모 아동 지원체계의 국가적 이행을 지지합니다. 뿐만 아니라, 우리는 아동의 사회적 위탁보호와 공개국내입양이 비공개 혹은 해외입양의 대안이라고 판단합니다.

우리는 입양의 촉진 또는 축하(입양의 날) 혹은 현재 입양법이 허락하는 관행에 의해 입증된 입양 가능한 아동의 사전홍보에 관해 비판적입니다.

우리는 미혼모 시설로부터 입양인을 위한 입양사후서비스를 함께 제공하는 입양기관들의 분리를 확고히 지지합니다.

우리는 입양은 법원이 감독해야 할 법적 문제이자 인권 이슈라 생각하며 사적으로 운영되는 입양기관에 의해 규제 없이 진행될 수 있는 인도주의적 행위가 아니라 판단합니다.

우리는 대한민국 정부와 국회의원님들께서 우리의 의견을 고려해 주시고, 커져가는 대중의 목소리(의지)를 인지해 주시며, 국제사회에서의 리더가 되시길 희망합니다. 왜냐하면 입양 촉진과 절차에 관한 특례법 개정 법률안의 통과를 만장일치로 지원해줄 수 있는 G20국가라는 명예로운 지위를 획득하셨기 때문입니다.

June 10, 2011

The following represents the considered view of adoptee researchers who support the spirit and guiding principles of the bill to reform the Special Law on Adoption Promotion and Procedure presented to the National Assembly by Lawmaker Choi Young-hee on behalf of South Korea and ARC (Adoption Reform Coalition) the coalition of adoptees associated with Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK), Gong-gam (public interest lawyers' organization), KoRoot, Korean Unwed Mothers & Families Association (KUMFA) and Dandelions group of first parents of international adoptees in Korea, and the Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoption Community of Korea (TRACK).

This law revision bill, which is drafted by the above-mentioned coalition and first endorsed by Lawmaker Choi Young-hee and 12 other South Korean lawmakers on 11 May 2010, is part of a wider effort to improve the status of children's rights and family preservation in South Korea. South Korea has the opportunity to demonstrate its leadership in this area to the international community not only as party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), but also in following up with the National Assembly's unanimous decision in March 2011 to ratify the Hague Adoption Convention with a demonstrated commitment to ensuring children's rights and family preservation are reflected in changes to relevant civil laws.

We firmly believe that the child is considered a fellow citizen from the time of birth. We advocate adherence to international conventions for a family registration system centering on the rights of the child: to acquire nationality, and to know and be cared for by his/her birth parents. (ref. UNCRC, Article 7). We are convinced that in general, it is in the best interests of a child to be raised in a biologically familiar and culturally relevant environment (ref. Hague). We support the State's implementation of an expanded support system for children of single mothers in order to ensure protection of children domestically. Furthermore, we see foster care and open domestic adoptions as alternatives to closed or intercountry adoptions.

We are critical towards a promotion or celebration of adoption, or a proactive pursuit of adoptable children as has been evidenced by the practices allowed under the current adoption law. We firmly advocate a disassociation of both adoption agencies providing facilities for single birthmothers and so-called post adoption services for adoptees. We consider adoption as a legal matter and a human rights issue for the Courts to oversee, and not as acts of humanitarianism that can go unregulated by privately-run international agencies.

We hope that the South Korean government and the legislators will take into consideration our perspectives, recognize the growing public will, and take up leadership in the international community as it has now acquired G20 status to unanimously support the passage of the bill to reform the Special Law on Adoption Promotion and Procedure (see attachment: Korean language version of this bill).

In hope of your recognition and support,

Adoptee academics, researchers & activists
1. Becky Belcore (US) Educating Korean/American and Korean diasporic communities nationally on Korean adoptee issues have included the following roles: Helping Adoptees Lead Together member; Executive Director and Board Member of Korean American Resource and Cultural Center; Korean American Women in Need (KAN-WIN); National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) Board of Directors Member
2. Brian Belcore (US) Contributing researcher to "Korean Adoptees Share Koreanness: A Parenthesis of History" by tammy ko Robinson and Becky Belcore in Koreans In The Windy City, Editors Hyock Chun, Kwang Chung Kim, Shin Kim, East Rock Institute (2005); Contributing Programming Member of Camp Pride for Korean Adoptee high school age students in the US (2005-2009)
3. Edo Beukenhorst (BEL/ROK) Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
4. Kimberly Campbell (US/ROK) Deputy Editor, the Hankyoreh, Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
5. Marc Champod (SUI/ROK) MSW candidate, Seoul National University, Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
6. Jennifer Kwon Dobbs (US) Assistant Professor and Director of American Racial and Multicultural Studies, Saint Olaf College, Literature/Creative Writing/Asian American Studies. Editor for the Journal of Korean Adoption Studies (2011 Issue) and The Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies (2010). Columns and new stories based on present research on adoptee birth searches and unwed moms have appeared in Chosun Ilbo, Conducive Magazine, Gyeonghyang News, Hankyoreh, Korea Herald, Korea Times, Pressian, and Yonhap News.
7. Amy T. Ginther (Cho Mi Hyang) (US) BFA, Drama Performance, Magna Cum Laude, Hofstra Unversity. Writer, Producer, Actor of "between," a one woman play about Korean-American adoption: produced in New York, Edinburgh Fringe, Seoul. Educator and activist. Reunited with Birthfamily in 2004.
8. Boonyoung Han (DE/ROK) Graduate student, Soongsil University
9. Shannon Heit (US/ROK) MA candidate, Hanyang University
10. Tobias Hübinette (SWE) PhD Korean Studies, researcher at the Multicultural Centre and lecturer at Södertörn University. Author of and numerous publications on adoption including Comforting an Orphaned Nation (2006)
11. Jane Jin Kaisen (DEN) MFA, UCLA; MA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts; visual artist, filmmaker
12. Jae Kauffman (US) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 48, Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK) founding member
13. Mee Joo Kim (US/ROK) Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
14. Su-Yoon Ko (US/ROK) Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
15. tammy ko Robinson (US/ROK) Professor, Applied Arts, Hanyang University. Writing on adoption matters in South Korea spans twelve years and includes: MA thesis "Historical Wagers of Intercountry Adoption in South Korea" (1998) to most recently "Literatures of Korean Adoption" in the Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife (2010)
16. Julie Jong Koch (US/ROK) MSW, LISW; Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
17. Siri Lande (NOR) Actively educating herself and others in adoption issues since her first return trip to South Korea as an adult Korean adoptee from Europe in 1997 and since having served as a representative attendee to the Gathering of the First Generation of Adult Korean Adoptees, Washington DC 1999
18. Maja Lee Langvad (DEN) writer, researcher international adoption from South Korea
19. Julayne Lee (US) Healthcare, Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
20. Mary Lee (US) Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
21. Leanne Leith (US) BA in Architecture, University of Washington. Core member, Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoption Community of Korea (TRACK) ( 2009-2010). Presenter, Global Overseas Adoptees' Link (G.O.A.'L) Annal Conference (2009). Artist, A collection of one (2010) installed at South Korea's National Assembly.
22. Mihee-Nathalie Lemoine (aka Cho Mihee) (BEL/CAN) Artist, Advertising Photography Studio Coordinator
23. Amanda Renee Kim Eun-Ja Silva Lowrey (US) PhD, Northwestern University; Co-founder of Chicago Korean Adoptees (2001-2005);Co-founding Member Helping Adoptees Lead Together (2004-present); current President Korean Adoptees of Hawai'i (KAHI). Served as a participant in numerous research studies on adoption issues, co-organizer for the KAHI Asian Adult Adoptee Gathering and Film Festival (2008), participant in both the Adoptee Gathering in Seoul (2004, 2010), planning committee member for International Korean Adoptee Associations (IKAA) Gathering 2010, and presenter Korean Adoptee Adoptive Parent Network.
24. Allen Majors (US) Board of the Korean Adoptees of Chicago, Board of the Korean Cultural Center of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, and member of Adopterade Koreaners Förening (Sweden). Presented at Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network conferences, adult adoptee role model at "Jane Brown Workshops", addressed parents at HOLT picnics, facilitated discussions at International Korean Adoptee Associations conferences, and presented at Illinois Chinese Adopted Siblings Program. Am active in the adult adoptee community through conferences, networking, and learning more about adoption through historical and legal information as well as the power of stories.
Please be very clear that I mention my affiliations with these organizations strictly to present my involvement in formal adoptee organizations and adoptee interests. I am in no manner here attaching my support of the statement below in representing any of the aforementioned organizations. My support is limited solely from myself as an individual.
25. Kelsey March (US) Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
26. Cori McMillan (US) Helping Adoptees Lead Together member (2004-2011), Korean American Resource and Cultural Center Board of Directors (KRCC) Member (2009-2011); Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network (KAAN) Conference Presenter (2007, 2009). Research areas include: adoptee rights, adoptee parenting concerns, and solidarities between adoptee parents and birth mothers
27. Lene Myong (DEN) PhD, Assistant Professor, DPU, Aarhus University
28. Anders Riel Müller (DEN) MA, Roskilde University, Denmark; Contributing Member Adoptees of Color Roundtable (2010-2011)
29. Jenny Na (US/ROK) Deputy Editor, Korea JoongAng Daily, Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK) founding member
30. Jacob Ki Nielsen (DEN) PhD Candidate, University of Copenhagen; research focus is on multiculturalism in South Korea, Korean media and on topics and issues related to international adoption particularly in the case of South Korea
31. Mads Nielsen (DEN/ROK) Doctoral candidate English literature, Sogang University
32. Ross Oke (US/ROK) Director of Administration of TRACK
33. Joo Ae Shin (US) MA candidate, University of San Francisco
34. Eli Park Sørensen (DEN/ROK) PhD, Assistant Professor, College of Liberal Studies
Seoul National University; Research Focus: Postcolonial Studies, Korean Adoption Literature
35. Kim Stoker (US/ROK) MA, Full-time Lecturer, Duksung Women's University; Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK) Representative
36. Tammy Chu Tolle (US/ROK) Filmmaker, ASK founding member
37. Jenny Town (US) Master of International Affairs, Columbia University School of International Public Affairs. Research areas: Human Rights, Women's Rights, South Korean adoption and social welfare policies, North Korea, Nuclear safety and security
38. Molly Townsend (US/ROK) Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
39. Jane Jeong Trenka (US/ROK) President of TRACK, author
40. Maya Weimer (US/ROK) MFA UC Irvine; Video/Media Artist; Professor, English Dept., Dongguk University. An internationally exhibited artist, she has been involved in the international adoptee community as an artist, researcher and activist for more than a decade. Her focus is on transnationalism, migration, globalization, trauma, gender, ethnicity/race, and cultural studies

Adoption scholars & researchers
41. Joemy Ito-Gates (US) Founder & Director of FUSION: A Summer Program for Mixed Heritage & Transracially Adopted Youth
42. Eleana Kim (US) PhD, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, Cultural Anthropologist; Transnational Adoption Studies
43. Merete Laubjerg (DEN) MPH, University of Copenhagen; Public Health advisor, researcher, research focus: adoptees health compared to non-adoptees in the host country
44. Richard M. Lee (US) PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota; research focus on the role of race, ethnicity, and migration on the development and mental health of internationally adopted individuals and families
Signed, June 2011
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